There's gold to be taken, we'll bathe in it when we mutiny!
Pack meeting
12-20-2024, 12:37 PM
Deluge had informed her of the meeting. Calling them to place so they could inform the pack of change. This change would be good and Calliope looked forward to it. At least, as much as she could. There was still the business of stopping by Avalon for her Little Bird, but that would be dealt with accordingly.
Approaching with languid steps, Calliope notices their younger sister perched before them before she had been given time to arrive. Anger bristles in her as her lips pull up into a snarl. How were they to discuss anything with the twerp listening in?
Staring down Sagittarius, Calliope lowers her head, releasing an intense growl in the girl’s face. ”Raiders do not show up early. It is in bad taste,” she seethes, spit flying into the air as her ears slick back against her head. Meeting that gold gaze with a fierce pastel one of her own, Calliope ensures the youngster understands before she raises herself to her full height.
Aching muscles in her neck scream as she stretches and moves to place herself on the right side of Deluge. Unceremoniously plopping herself down so that her severe neck injuries and sore muscles could rest, Calliope lets a wide yawn. ”Let’s get the show on the road,” her tone is clearly annoyed as she glances up at her sisters, one brow slightly arched.
Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
Finch is allowed in any of her threads. Touch her, you die. Calliope gives no fucks.