There's gold to be taken, we'll bathe in it when we mutiny!
Pack meeting
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Expert Intellectual (215)
2 Years
The walk back had been... slow going. Pins and needles worked their way into his back legs and he had to stop far too often for breaks. Had Rivin not offered her shoulder, he probably would have come up with some contraption to lash his girls to so they could drag him home, but with their tendency to run off after every bird and butterfly, well, it probably would have been an even longer journey home.
He might have been shaky on his feet but the look on his face said he was willing to fight anyone who questioned her right to be there. Settling down on his belly, barely batting an eye at his sisters standing at the front of the gathering, he waited to see what they had to say. Based on the massive rip up Deluges ribs and the burns on Cal and Sid, it seemed like he wasn't the only one that had a rough time.
coded by NachoMumma