
The broken bones of yesterday


03-12-2013, 09:37 PM

Everything shattered around them. The illusion of an alternate reality had come crumbling down around her. The whispering snow had fallen silent as the transgression came forth to be identified. She tilted her head as the stalker spoke with ease. It was as if the gods hadn?t put a demon before her every eyes and asked her to play a game of riddles. Bright violet eyes focused on the female who had called to her. Her game of cat and mouse had ended when reality had found its way back into the broken ones mind. Had she not slain a queen in lesser days her mind would not have wandered so far away that any creature could creep along her path.

She eyed the female with suspicion. Her violet eyes never leaving her as she introduced herself. Newt let a smile slip across her lips as her words came forth in a singsong manner,

?Who hung his hat on the moon?

The owl in his bubble balloon.

One bright summer night

He sailed out of sight,

And, hooting like Lucifer,

hung in delight

His three-cornered hat on the moon.?

She emphasized Each question that she sang. It was as if she accused this wolf, Morphine, of committing these quips. She tilted her head to the side as she pondered the question at hand. Who was she? That was indeed a good question to ask. It was the right question to ask. After all, she was a queen slayer now and the new ruler of Lentajin.

?It all depends on who you wish to speak with. I have many different names, or titles, which I cannot think at the moment. Do you want my birth name? The new name I give myself? The name my crown has given me? It all depends on what me you wish to know.? She said with slight amusement. Her laugher trickled from her throat at her own witty definition of herself. Should the puppet master been at play then all she would see was the darker parts, the part of her that no longer craved to be ensnared by pain but to be the one to deliver it.

?What realm is it you walk along? I don?t smell my home on you nor the place I once called home. The road the rouges still travel on. So where is it that you belong?? she asked, her eyes flickering with intelligence and madness. She was moments away from shifting again. Forgetting where she was. Where her head was resting. Why was she wandering out in the old roads? The roads she had been wandering before Cerberus had delivered her the purpose she was craving. Her master had come and brought her home.