
Take me to the gods[Open]


03-12-2013, 09:44 PM
She wasn't going to kill him, no matter how much he whined and complained about the life he had now. Just because he was unhappy with the way things were now he was going to give up, just throw in the towel? Death wasn't the solution to everything, though more often than none it did resolve more than its share of problems. That was beside the point though. He had parents, ones she assumed cared alot, and he should be thanking whatever gods existed that he had them.

You don't think there are others out there who are suffering or have suffered more than you do? By your smell I can tell you belong to a pack. There are some out there who have never belonged to a pack and maybe never will. You have parents and a home and a roof over your ungrateful head. But if you want to kill yourself later on, then by all means go ahead. I won't stop you, but I can bet your parents will if they ever catch wind of your thoughts. she growled quietly, her mind flashing to the hundreds of innocent lives she'd desecrated throughout her life, the millions of pups like this young red one here that she'd killed, extinguishing their life before they even had a change to actually start living it.

Audits rotated forward with attention as the boy asked her if she had a home, extending the offer to follow him to his. Destruction said nothing, simply nodding in agreement, haunches unfolding beneath the massive dame to lift back onto her four paws, gaze on the youth as she waited for him to take the lead. How would the alphas of his home react to a woman such as herself, a murder, her belly stirring with the next generation of monsters.