

Elysia I


12-30-2013, 09:24 PM

She laid there in a bundle of a mess, sea foam green eyes trying to make three images of this wolf into one. Well she supposed it could be worse and actually be facing three other wolves instead of just one. She dropped her head back down on her paws and closed her eyes. Maybe that would make the spinning stop. But the other asked her a question and Elysia opened her eyes once more to nod a yes. But the nodding made her wince and she closed her eyes again.

The dark stranger began to gently poke her with her nose. She didn't mind much really till she poked at her tender ribs. She flinched and grunted with discomfort. How was she going to tell this woman that she thinks she might have cracked a rib or two, at the very least there would be bruising. Her paws were scratched up and legs sore but nothing she couldn't put up with so she made no sound over them. She twisted her head to watch the other carefully. She kept starring at her face, finding the tan on her snout and around her eyes cute. She sighed softly before trying to point of her right side with her nose. The small action of bending made her grunt again before she gave up and just flopped onto her side. How frustrating was it now to not be able to speak. If she could she'd tell her this dark stranger her ribs hurt, that that brown on her face was cute, that she'd give her name. But instead she'd have to think of another way to get her voice heard in another way.

She laid there for a moment thinking really hard. She could open her mouth, show she had no tongue, thus unable to speak. But how to get her name across? She guess she could get a nickname for now. If this woman stuck around Kus could tell her her name. So a name could come later. She lifted her head again and looked at the other questionly, waiting.