
Your Equal in Many Ways


12-30-2013, 10:14 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

So this was the former home to the esteemed pack of Tortuga, until Taurig was dethroned by his own father. Was their alliance with Glaciem still holding strong since the change in leadership? Curious, if need be she would travel to Glaciem territory to assure this for Song. Padding along the rocky terrain, she looked about, taking in the strange sights. The volcanic soil should boast a wide variety of flora, which should host much fauna, but instead it was barren. How strange indeed. Standing at the top of this immense volcano, moonstone orbs reflected the magma at the pit of the mountain. Heat shimmered before her liquid mercury optics, folding illusions and mirages that faded as quickly as they were born. Mystified by the ability for the pack to live so calmly upon this volcano, she began to trot comfortably to a safer distance from the boiling lava. She remembered when the Kingdom had fallen, she and her pack had stumbled upon a volcano, which erupted soon after they had left it in the distance. She would not want to be here when this happened to Mount Volkan, she wanted to be far away, safe in the embrace of her beloved mangrove. Of course, she would help all those who required it in the aftermath of such an event, but for now she would remain wary of the disaster waiting to happen. Long legs were swift in their travel down the pebble strewn slope, broad paws silent as they muffled the sharp stones underfoot. What could be living in this disaster zone now?
