Seize the bay!
12-24-2024, 10:42 PM
As she usually did, Gwyn stayed away from the thick of the fights until she felt like she was needed. However, unlike some of their other raid encounters the tides turned against them far more quickly than anticipated. Everyone had unlucky moments, of course, but the swiftness that she saw multiple of her pack mates submitting to their opponents made her scramble to her paws to help. Normally she would have focused on getting Art up first, but he happened to be on the other side of the crowd from her and the first wolf she came across was none other than Ember’s friend Erik. She crouched down beside him while swiftly pulling supplies out of her pack. ”Here, quickly, take these,” she told him while giving him a dose of pain killers and something to boost his energy. After a quick once over to check for any bite or claw marks that might need a bandage she pulled him to his paws with a nod. With Erik on his way Gwyn turned her attention to the now available Tojo fighters, imminently setting her defenses since she assumed they would be upon her swiftly.