
You're a deviant, just like me



Master Fighter (290)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

3 Years

ScarredOoh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
12-25-2024, 07:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2024, 08:00 PM by Érebos. Edited 1 time in total.)

É R E B O S .

Koa(his coopers hawk) kept a faithful eye on his child, hades. and it was Érebos' larger hawk(Osiris) that guided him here in perfect tow, secretly tagging along. his birds were inseparable, always knowing what the other was doing. a bonded pair albeit both males-, brothers. and today.. they brought the patriarch to barren mounds of the battlefield. a fight then? how fitting.

Érebos heard the rumors of his child seeking more aggressive experiences. both his first borns, hades & Androcles. he briefly wondered then what they'd become when they grew older-, as large as their father one day. but size didn't matter if you didn't think to win. with a relaxed Trot, the patriarch kept his eyes ahead as he followed his son's scent.

after some time, he heard a call for a challenge. a stranger with the stench of a pack he found to be distasteful: the syndicate. hackles rose as he picked up his pace until he came into view of the entire thing-, his eyes falling possessively over his son in the distance for a lingering moment before flickering onto the stranger who was surprisingly an older pup. and even in comparison to someone older, hades still appeared to be heavier, bulkier and dunamis. how apparent it was when so close to someone else's meaningless brood.

he trotted closer then until he was a few yards away but in hearing distance. coming to sit on a small elevated mound, the enormous patriarch finally sat on his haunches-, his thick blanket of muscles swiveling beneath his obsidian body as his inky nose flared. glacier and chocolate eyes looked ahead then with a harsh glare of judgement. his face stoic and unreadable- his demeanor nothing like it had been at home. outside of the family, Érebos was increasingly critical, impressive, harsh & even cruel. this side, hades did not know all too well. but the look on Érebos' face meant business. and he expected his child to win against the adversary today.

for a second, Érebos considered the aggravated state of hades. the way he moved, the way he began fighting. the child's burst of action making even the patriarch secretly impressed. so eager.. why? today, it was a tool in hades' success then. what better way then to add some more pressure? "Νίκησε, γιε μου. ή δεν μπορώ να υποσχεθώ ότι τα μαθήματα δεν περιμένουν όταν φτάσετε στο σπίτι(win, my son. or I cannot promise that lessons don't await when you arrive home)." he called out, a growl leaving his maw before then adding, "Κάνε με περήφανο(Make me proud)." because this was the only way for a dunamis to prove their worth; to prove that they deserved not being culled at their moment of birth. medusa's genes were expected to be dark- while his own had been powerful and ambitious time & time over. the embodiment of it all stood just before Érebos.

adrenaline then filled the beast that watched, studying his child and their mutations. taking note of it all as he showed to support and pressure his child.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]