
Fire and Ice


12-31-2013, 12:20 AM

She was uneasy, but she was also a creature of royalty. She would never let her fear show, it wasn't in her nature. The name that the dignitary bore was that of strength. She was an Armada, the daughter of the greatest king these lands had known, and she knew no fear. Perhaps she had been foolish to stray so far from the lands, that she knew, and the home where she would have a pack-mate within a call, but she would make a name for herself. She had named herself, changing the birth-name she was given, and taking the name of a great human empire. On one of her many travels she had met a teller of tales, a rouge who took pride in the stories that she would speak. She had told her of the Roman Empire, and how they had fell, but had also told her that they had once been great. She knew then that she too would be great, she was young, capable, and was on the tail of a journey that would shape her life. Armada was the last name that bore the king, that had sired her, and thus far she hadn't been disappointed with his royalty, and the royalty of his empire. She wouldn't let them down.

She had zoned out slightly, her mind reaching back remembered the strength of her name as he had spoke, and her attention refocused on him as he moved towards her. A low snarl bubbled in her throat, ears flattening against her head, though she held it high, her chin slightly tucked. Her tail raised, high above her spine, and she held her ground, waiting and watching him as words left her jaws laced with dark fury. "You'll take nothing from me, scum."
