
The broken bones of yesterday


03-12-2013, 09:54 PM

The boy was nothing but a broken soul, lost in this ever changing world, without the girl that stole his heart. He was a fragile soul, one that would give anything for the woman that tormented him to the ends of the earth. He had once had an attempt to commit suicide for fear that she did not care. Making her spill out her heart for once, like he did everyday. Valkur was nothing, nothing but a broken poor boy with no where better to go than to wander this world aimlessly. No sense of direction without her fiery eyes to light up his world. Just, lost. No idea where to go, so he would wander, his tattered broken body barely hanging on it seemed. Eating wasn't something that interested him, and should he lose all hope that she existed still, he would allow himself to wither away. It was that small glimmer of hope that kept him hanging onto life. It was the middle of the night, the darkness was like a heavy blanket, keeping him safe from the horrors. But the secret was, they had already pierced through his own mind.

His eyes of ice scanned the area, it was yet another new world he would stumble across. Following her scent to the ends of the earth. Down every dark alley way, and even to the edge of volcanoes he would travel. Body was hunkered low to the earth as always, clinging to it for some sort of comfort, but none would come to him. A snarl broke the silence, and his fallen ears flicked silently to catch the sound, little interest plaguing his face as a familiar scent lingered into his nostrils. This stranger...smelt of her. But she was not, maybe family. Maybe they knew where she was. His heart ached in his chest, as he picked up his pace. Valkur's broken frame, his hip bones and ribs visible from the lack of wanting to take care of himself. The cold felt like nothing against his numb body, and didn't bother him. Mind now consumed by this who smelt similar to his love. However another being would crack through the glass that separated them and a growl of irritation bubbled in his chest. He didn't care about this stranger, he wanted the information from the dark girl.

Icy blue pools shot the one who called herself Morphine a glare. He waited for the dark female to finish speaking, paying little attention to her actual words. Muscles tensed impatiently, tail flicking behind him. Although her last question was shot at the white female, Valkur took the opportunity to step into the conversation. "Well...I can't say I belong anywhere." he responded, his voice broken and rough. Ears remained against his skull as he studied her, peering into her violet eyes. "The name's Valkur. You know of Disaster?" he questioned, it was more of a demand. Flicking his eyes to Morphine, he spoke to her for a moment. "Either of you..."