
my kingdom come [DM]

The Judge


12-31-2013, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2014, 04:25 PM by Deteste.)

Seraphim vs. Morphine for Death

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for protected throat, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, ready jaws, balanced stance, splayed toes, tensed stance.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for slam to Seraphim's right shoulder, attack to left side of neck, swipe at left limb.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round. No injuries.

Round one Morphine Total: 48 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

"he would hope that his change of position would line her outstretched jaws up with his face rather than his neck"

You're supposed to determine where the attack lands.


No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for ready stance, spalyed toes, balaned tail, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, ready jaws, protected throat, counter to shoulder attack.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for shoulder attack, attack to muzzle, grip with left limb.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round; no penalty. Bruised left shoulder, bite wound to face/maw, sprained anckle, lightly bruised side.

Round one Seraphim Total: 49 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected throat, ready jaws, tucked tail, tense stance, balanced stance, splayed toes, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for continued attack to cheek, attack to Seraphim's lower jaw, attack to throat.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Bruised left shoulder, bite wound to upper jowl.

Round two Morphine Total: 44 / 50


CLARITY: 7 / 10

"his roll would begin" in which direction is he rolling?

"If he should fail..." avoid using if this/then that statements especially when the ifs are so different from one another.


"his jaws would part and he would pull his head back" You assume Morpine also let go.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protecting injured jaw, tucked tail, roll to side?, balanced tail, balnaced stance, ready stance, splayed claws, raised hackles, protected throat, narrowed eyes, pinned ears.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Full points for continueing attack to Morphine's upper jaw, attack to Morphine's lower chest, headbutt to head, shove to left side.


Minor bitewound to right cheek, bite wound to bottom jowl, fractured right mandible, scratch to left side of neck.

Round two Seraphim Total: 34 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Viv sucks, yo.

"Although completely baffled by how he had managed to open and close his mouth" Please be polite in your posts.

"in hopes that bringing her weight down upon it would break it" if her weight is balanced on her other legs, this isn't really possible.

" to prevent the ninety-degree angle he desired to form with their bodies" Perhaps Seraphim was also pivoting while she moved? Try to give your opponent time/space to react and not to completely change positioning.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected throat, balanced stance, splayed toes, tense stance, tucked tail, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, ready jaws, counter to headbutt.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Full points for attack to lower chest, attack to right limb.

INJURIES: 5 / 10

Damage more severe to upper jowl, scratches to armpit, bruised upper chest.

Round three Morphine Total: 29 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Clear post.

No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected throat, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tense stance, raised hackles, splayed toes, balanced stance, balanced tail, counter to position change.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to right side of neck.

INJURIES: 0 / 10

Two broken toes on right foot, bruising to chest, broken right ankle, broken right mandible, bruising to right side.

Round three Seraphim Total: 34 / 50


Morphine: 126 /150

Seraphim: 117 / 150

And the winner is...

Morphine! Because both judges have the same verdict, this fight will result in Seraphim's death.


Morphine - Damage more severe to upper jowl, scratches to armpit, bruised upper chest. Bruised left shoulder, bite wound to upper jowl. *Seraphim's last attack pending; determined by your next post.

Seraphim- Bruised left shoulder, bite wound to face/maw, sprained anckle, lightly bruised side. Minor bitewound to right cheek, bite wound to bottom jowl, fractured right mandible, scratch to left side of neck. Two broken toes on right foot, bruising to chest, broken right ankle, broken right mandible, bruising to right side.

Sup dudes. I appreciate the clarity and lack of powerplaying in this right. It was very realistic, very clever moves were used in the fight and I had a great time judging it.

Aly - Great job as always! Your attacks were awesome. Plz refrain from using OOC too much in your posts, judges assigned to a DM will be able to determine realism on their own and the comments can come off as rude.

Raii - You also did an amazing job! I am really impressed! The one thing I would suggest, and I STRONGLY suggest this, don't give in so much to your opponent's attacks. You allowed severe consequences to almost each attack by Morphine and lost many points because of this.

- Vivien