
Hello, I don't believe we've met


01-01-2014, 04:42 PM

The woman began speaking, and the words she let fall into the air surprised the petite rusty brown fae. Not that she didn't expect her to know things like that, but the way she spoke about life, it was almost like... surrender. When the older femme had finished speaking, the girl's own opinions surfaced in her mind, but she had trouble finding the proper way to word them. ?I don't want to offend you, Miss Nymeria, but you're wrong. Even though I don't have the experience you do, I know that you are. We exist to bring beauty into the world, we exist to change even the tiny bits we do, and without us the world would be vastly different. There is beauty in every moment, and that is what we exist to experience, the beauty of the universe, without said beauty, the entire universe around us would cease to exist. If that makes sense, it does to me...? she told the woman, meeting her deep chocolate eyes directly. There was much wisdom in those soulful optics, but the definitions of right and wrong were to the eye of the beholder, they were different for everyone. A soft grin would play at her cherubic features, in her orchid toned optics a light cheer as she hoped that her conversation companion would not take offence to her opinions on life.