
Fire and Ice



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 03:35 AM
Sin Armada

The scent of familiarity would draw the Devil forward. A twisted sneer on his face as he followed the cries of a losing fight, sharpened claws moving swiftly over the snow covered earth. The lowest of sounds rumbled in the fiery pits of his chest, amber eyes barely registering the last of a departed scene as he approached within the shadows. He went unseen, his scent hidden by that of the pines and the blood that adorned his coat. Undetectable as was his usual fashion.

He stopped some distance away, venomous slits falling upon a crumpled figure in the snow. The trail of another having left the scene, and he knew what had transpired. The smell of a male's desire was thick and strong in the air, the stench of blood from the woman heavy and permeating his senses. He reveled in the taste and scent of blood, but this was no ordinary drawn blood. It was the blood of a victim, a virgin, the blood of innocence stripped away unwillingly. Zeroing his gaze on the fallen weakling, his brows raised when he recognized the pelt markings. He scoffed, of all creatures it had to be his pitiful sister. "I always knew she was weak..." He murmured quietly to himself, inaudible to the ears of others.

He kept in the shadows, silent, watching, waiting. Would she remain there defeated? He supposed a situation such as this was inevitable. All his other siblings were weak. He had been the only strong one. Lips rose slightly to reveal the point of his canine, body rigid as he held himself from stalking over to reprimand her for being so weak. It was no wonder he didn't associate much with her. He only dealt with the strongest, and witnessing this loss of hers, only confirmed his thoughts about her. And so it was, that he would wait until she left the scene before he too would leave to return to Glaciem lands.