
Savin' Me


12-31-2013, 03:39 AM

The ending of her season was upon her. Destruction hadn't focused on her heat all that much. It mattered little to the dark woman, considering she had no mate to speak of. Not even a love interest. Although Bane had taken a notice to it. Destruction had scolded him, though she knew the elder could hardly help himself. Bane was Bane... and he wouldn't change. He would live and die by his own rules. In a way it seemed fitting for him. But Destruction would not allow herself to fall back into the way she was. No... she was changing. She would make a successful change for the better and become a proper member of Seracia.

But for now Destruction had decided she needed to venture beyond Seracian borders again. After her talk with Loccain she was feeling a bit better about everything. Her aching heart had found something to soothe it... and Destruction was now searching for more. She wanted more wolves to talk to. More friends. Both in her pack and out of the pack. So in her wanting to leave Seracia for a while she also wanted to seek out a loner. A rogue. Someone strange and foreign to learn from. Then she would return home, perhaps find Dragon or Celeste, and speak to her friends about the encounter she made. It all seemed to be a reasonably good plan.

Her wanderings would bring her to the strange, black sand beach that lie within the southern territories of Alacritia. Ebony paws would lead her on, crimson ringed eyes flicking towards the gray-green ocean and the gulls that cried out in the sky above. For a while Destruction would simply walk along the beach, feeling the sand shift beneath her paws as she watched the gulls float in the sky. Then, as she turned her attention back to the stretch of sand, she would find herself almost upon a russet male.

His markings were strange... like that of a deer. But that was not at all strange in a bad way. No, in a way it made him appear more exotic and strange. He seemed... sad... gazing into the distance of the waves and sky. Destruction quietly sat by him, looking to him with kindness in her gaze. "Perhaps some time away from your troubling thoughts is needed. Would you perhaps like to talk a while?" The she wolf would ask.
