
I'm Not A Vampire


12-31-2013, 03:41 AM

As their castles crumble slowly

I watch them fall

Their crown slips from heads unworthy

As I gain control

Whispers of the past still haunted her mind. She yearned to know what had once been here. Who had once claimed this has their kingdom and who would claim it again. The sentries stood draped in colorless blankets of frozen tears, their bows falling towards the ground but defiantly shoving against the weight. They saw everything and recorded the history of what once was and what would be. It had disappointed her that the feline she had met and learned of knew nothing of the previous wolves that had once claimed it as their kingdom. She had no knowledge of Newts reign as the original alpha of Amenti. She knew nothing of her defeat and Meduas claim over the realm. So much history was locked away in those barks and she left sadly disappointed.

The youth was of the age of 7 months. Her body was rather large, almost as fully grown as a smaller female though she had the strength and lankiness of a true titan to come. She would be, upon full growth, 40 inches tall and she would eventually weight one hundred and 40 pounds. The girl was destined to be a mountain of a woman but for now she appeared to be fully-grown for the average female. Her sandy coat moved around her body as the wind pushed against her body. She moved with a cautious grace as she listened to the forest around her. She froze as the wind pushed the aroma of male into her nostrils. She flexed them and pulled the aroma deep into her lungs. She tasted it against her pallet and found no traces of familiarity.

Her body automatically became defensive. Her body, as she walked, became balanced. Her toes were splayed, and she walked slowly towards the unfamiliar aroma. Not all wolves were unkind, and not all were friendly, she had been victim to aggression herself. She had fought off an old Tortuga wolf trespassing in her homelands. She had deserved the beating she had gotten and her loving siblings had fixed her up while the other left limping on home. She had been the victor of several battles and was confident in her abilities. If she could take down adult wolves then she could protect herself.

Soon enough the strangers appearance came into view. She said nothing as her emerald eyes roved over the appearance of the stranger. His coat was as white as the snow that lay around them and yet it seemed stained with crimson patches. Her tail pulled upright behind her, an automatic sign of her dominance, her head was level with her body, as she remained unmoving. No hint of fear could be smelled on the female?s body for she knew nothing yet to fear. Yes he was unknown but that didn?t threaten her senses.
