
Fire and Ice


12-31-2013, 03:52 AM

He wasn't one to get involved in others antics, but the sound of a fight had lulled him from this nap, and he had moved slowly towards the sound wondering what in the hell the commotion was about. He had arrived, in time to see the deed, remaining in the cover of the trees, aware that he wasn't the only to lurk. He did not move to intervene on the wraiths behalf. No, he wouldn't interfere. His eyes watched the scene, eating as the woman was bested. He remembered the feeling of his various victims, as they would panic beneath him. It appeared he had made his devilish acts "fashionable", everyone here in this pathetic land seemed to want to become a beacon of darkness, but none would be as intimidating as the devil himself.

When the brown male dismounted, and walked away, he watched for a moment as the wolf rolled over but made no move to stand. Strolling from the shadows, he entered the clearing, walking proudly towards her. He wasn't sure what moved him. Age or experience, maybe, but something drove him forward. He would stare down at her coldly, before he would speak, his tone brash.

"Get up."

Moments would pass and an annoyed snarl would leave him as the bitch wouldn't heed to his commands. Reaching down his teeth would meet her scruff and he would physically drag her upwards. Letting her go, he watched as she stumbled to her footing, staring at him with violet eyes. With a low growl he would speak again.

"Get up. Go home to your pack, child. You should have learned something here. The next time I come across you lying about after a defeat, I'll kill you myself."

With that, the ivory beast turned, disappearing into the shadows once more, heading back towards the forest he had been stalking as of late. The figure of the woman lying to brokenly flashed before his eyes, reminding him of his more primal urges, though he hadn't taken further advantage of her, the blood from her neck tasted good in his mouth. He wouldn't turn back, rather, would let his warning simmer in her mind. She'd do well to learn from what he had said.