
Fire and Ice



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 05:00 AM
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

He watched, he waited. His cowardly sister remained on the ground. Growing impatient for a pace of action and angered by the disgrace she brought to the Armada name, he was soon to take a step forward to finish her off himself; if only to rid the world of one more weak link in its chains. But it would seem that another would approach first, the scent hadn't gone unnoticed, yet he himself remained in the shadows. His sister need not know he watched her failure. "Now won't daddy be proud?" He whispered in a mock tone under his breath. He watched as the stranger approached her, lifting her to her feet after she remained on the ground like a whipped dog.

Such Weakness.

Keeping himself in check, he watched as his sister was yanked to her feet, tail flickering slightly as his breath was release slowly. This male seemed powerful, easily able to pick apart his sister and overtake her once more like the male that had done so previously. And yet, he did not. Instead, issuing the threat of killing her himself should she fail again. Oh, but that was the job of Sin. He couldn't have someone interfere in his business, it was his job after all. Perhaps he would find this male in the future, and maybe then something would fall in his favor to move closer to his future goal. Eyes narrowed as his sister left the scene, a gruff sound resonating in his vocals before he too left the scene. Except, he would return with news on his tongue.

-Exit Sin-

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

[Sin Armada]