Wandering, exploring, learning the trails and pathways. The terrain best walked, the predators best avoided, Iskandor was alive and near buzzing with questions and hard won answers. With a couple bumps and bruises, he was doing a rather good job of keeping himself presentable enough to not worry his family about what he got up to outside of the border. Of course, with his companions under a sworn oath to only tell what he wanted them to tell.
It was on another expedition that Iskandor observed her from a distance, his eyes narrowing as they swept over her. She was striking—vivid red fur against the paleness of her surroundings. She seemed quite interested in the stone and formations of the marble; perhaps she would appreciate some company? It was an easy line of thought from the boy, hardly an ounce of ulterior motive to be found. Stepping forward, he drew closer while careful to appear non threatening. An easy gait, a calm expression–a slow wag in his tail. Polite.