You may hate me, but I can't hate you
01-01-2025, 01:34 PM
And the winner is...
ZAGAN | HADES must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. Totals: HADES: Attack Roll: 65 Defense Roll: 1 Critical fail! Agility Roll: 94 Perception Roll: 39 Total: 199 Attack[65] + 40% Bonus[26.00]: 91.00 Defense[1] + 15% Bonus[0.15]: 1.15 Agility[94] + 25% Bonus[23.50]: 117.50 Perception[39] + 20% Bonus[7.80]: 46.80 Total[256.45] + -10% Bonus[-25.64]: 230.80 ZAGAN: Attack Roll: 80 Defense Roll: 74 Agility Roll: 70 Perception Roll: 93 Total: 317 Attack[80] + 45% Bonus[36.00]: 116.00 Defense[74] + 25% Bonus[18.50]: 92.50 Agility[70] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 70.00 Perception[93] + 30% Bonus[27.90]: 120.90 Total[399.40] + 10% Bonus[39.94]: 439.34 |