


12-31-2013, 11:49 AM

The immense beast was losing control, the infestation of wolves was driving her slowly more and more insane, and she was bound to snap. Luckily, bloodshed came sooner than she anticipated, and it was a sensual release of tension. A pathetic, boringly ordinary wolf entered her lands, the measly section of forest the mongrel who had 'claimed' this place had allocated her. It sat at the base of her tree, and she noticed something around it's neck. The skull of an infant cougar. With an enraged snarl, she dropped from the tree, putting her front paws out in a diving form and landed directly on the spine of the mutt who dared to harm feline infants. A wail of tormented agony left it's throat, immobile from the waist down now. She laughed, a maniacal outburst of joy that was purely insane. Wickedly curved talons tore through flesh like hot knives through melted butter, revealing the gleam of it's ribs below. Lifting a massive paw, the tawny monster brought it crashing down upon it's frail bones. With a sickening crunch that was music to her ears, bone shards pierced vital organs, spurting blood all over the monsters face. As the light faded from the lupine's green eyes, she leaned over to make sure her face was the last it ever saw. That face was snarling, revealing massive fangs and bloodstained, sharp features, ghostly yellow orbs burning with rage.

With the dead, mangled corpse at her feet, she removed the bloodsoaked, tiny skull from around it's neck. Pulling away the snow from the foot of the tree, she dug a deep hole and dropped it in carefully before burying it once more. Turning, she grasped the scruff of the dead canine in her powerful jaws, hauling it to the borders of her territory and dropping it in plain view. The meaning was clear; LET THIS BE A SHOW OF WHAT HAPPENS TO TRESPASSERS WHO CROSS ME. With that, she let out a bloodcurdling scream, the closest thing to a roar the demon could utter, and was much more menacing. It was like nails on chalkboard, metal scraping on metal, teeth on bone, and echoed through the forest. Lips pulled away completely from massive ivory fangs stained in the blood of a murderer, sanguine wine spattered all over her frame as she screeched a warning to everything that dared to try and challenge her. Long tail lashed behind her, powerful muscles rippling as she dragged her claws down the bark of the nearest tree, marking her territory still more. One would have to be suicidal, dumb, or possessing a death wish to cross her, without a doubt.

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