
The ones we meet


12-31-2013, 11:59 AM

The great golden giant would find his paws crunching in the packed snow as he paced around the outskirts of her territory. His dear Impra had returned to him, and now all seemed right within his world. She would be out avoiding the sunlight, and he was soon to follow. He was a creature of the night and the sun was not one of his greatest allies. A low purr could be heard resonating within his chest as he slowly made his way to where he knew she would be. They would remain out of the bright light of the day and would return to the land of the living that night.
Something would stop him though, the glimpse of a girl who was so much like his own pallid she wolf. Surely she was young, and new to the pack. Her fur would reflect the sun in such a way that he was almost as allured towards her as he was with the pale giantess who he claimed his own. With a such a sight he could not deny his curiosity to approach her. Massive paws would carry him to her rock, the words she would foolishly let loose reaching his sensitive ears with ease. " im the fairest queen of them all!" His deep laugh would boom from his chest as his great emerald orbs would behold her. What a foolish little pup she seemed to be. ?I believe some could disagree vith you m'dear.? His siberian dialect could be heard through his light accent. For certainly Impra was the fairest queen of them all, she just had no knowledge of it quite yet.

?I speak?