An Ice Dance
Nyx, Lunar
01-02-2025, 02:42 PM
Tethys Fatalis
Trying to push any superfluous thoughts from her mind, Tethys focused on the task at hand. The scent of their target grew stronger as they approached, finally coming into view. Accompanied by the sound of soft snow underfoot, the group slowed, aiming to stay as far downwind as they could. Sneaking up as close as possible without alerting prey to the presence of their hunters was always a tricky task, and often was left up to nature itself- there was no telling how quickly the wind could shift course.
She made to lower herself further, knowing her bright coat stuck out against the icy backdrop of these woods. She followed Inferna's attention, catching sight of a younger elk that'd make a perfect target. She gave a slow nod to the group, informing them of her approval in their plan. Any deviation and things could go quickly wrong. Acting cohesively was important.
Inferna initiated, lunging forward and heading straight toward the doe. The rest of the herd made to flee, but their target found her leg caught in the young woman's mouth. The smell of blood immediately filled the air, making Tethys's heart pound harder in her chest. Though she felt strange in many situations, a hunt was where she felt she thrived. This was her biological imperative. To chase, to hunt. She moved practically on instinct, kicking off hard and closing in on the prey. It bucked and kicked back at the hunters, and Tethys made a wide circle around its front, aiming to lunge for its throat as it started to come down. Her jaws found purchase, rewarded by the metallic tang of blood on her tongue.