
Getting to Know


12-31-2013, 09:19 PM

Off in her own little world, Seraphine didn't hear or see the Alphess approach till she gave a small bark. Head would lift and turn in the direction it came from, for a moment a shy look upon her face but would be replaced with a small smile and a slight dip of her head to the woman. She wasn't close with Chrsanthe really, just knew she was her fathers friend when they had first joined, but Seraphine had a lot of respect for her, especially with how she did in the war, even if she came back with a blinded eye.

Ears would perk up when she asked if she was taking a break, earning a nod from Seraphine would come walk over and take a seat just two or three feet from the woman. When she mentioned a lot to learn her, the yearling would look away with a smirk. ?Its very different from my previous homes, but it shouldn't be too hard to relearn things once again.? She would speak in gentle tones, turning back to smile at Chrysanthe. It shouldn't have been hard, each time she got a new home it didn't last more than a couple months, so she took to learning things quickly.

Then it came, she asked if she was settling in alright. Seraphine would be hesitant to answer this, after allowing her to join the pack, she didn't want to say anything ill about the place, whether it was about the events that had occurred or the people in it... But at the same time she didn't want to keep things locked up, fester and destroy her from the inside out like others. With a sigh she would look down at her paws, a sad tone to her voice. "I don't belong here Chrysanthe... it feels like something is pushing me away form this place, from my father..."
