
We All Miss Someone



12-31-2013, 10:28 PM

She would watch in silence, giving the dark woman a chance to collect herself before speaking. She would tell the Queen that she was wondering who put the flowers on her sons grave, thanking her for not leaving him out. Loccian would give a dip of her head, there was no way she would have left him out, even if he was deceased. The dead all deserved some attention, from a pup to an elder. Head would turn, listening to Destruction as she spoke, hoping she didn't mind that she would talk for awhile, share some things that few wolves knew... to finally let someone know. ?Go ahead, I'm all yours.? She said softly, giving a small smile.

And so the woman would begin telling her story, starting from her name not being what she was given at birth, a couple who had a single child, assassins that came and killed hr parents, kidnapped her, twisted her young mind to make her a fighter like them, kill without mercy, many innocent lives taken, their leader died, they turned on each other... Then she stumbled upon Alacritia, she found Seracia and pledged her loyalty to Maverick, she distanced herself because she was unused to pack life, met Bane, mated and was going to force a miscarriage but something made her decide not to. She had a single pup, a male she named Dillinger. She would see him grow, see the potential in the child but then things took a bad turn, the child became sick, and she had to watch him slowly day. Destruction didn't ask for help because she didn't know how, and then he passed, it was the first time Bane saw his son, and the poor child didn't even get to meet his father once. After he died she finally realized that she needed to change, took steps, made an oath with Bane, watch his children. She began to try becoming more social and open In the kingdom, her desire to kill and cause pain fading, finding herself slowly getting into the pack life. Now she patrols Seracia and watches form the shadows, talking to others when she felt bold, befriending Tahlia which has been a large step for her and made a friend with Maverick's daughter, Celeste.

Lastly Destruction would tell Loccian that she knew her behavior towards the pack wasn't good, but she promised that she was trying her hardest to fit in. The woman would finally stir, shifting, scooting herself over and gently pressing her side into Destruction's. Whether the woman wanted it or not, Loccian did not care. The story was extremely sad, something she thought no one should have to go through, no matter what they did. ?I can't imagine the pain you must have experienced during all that... ? Her voice was gentle, caring even though the two never really interacted before. ?I can tell you have changed a lot, going from a heartless murderer to someone who looks over a family, holding an oath made with another, loving a child.? She pulled away to look at the woman, an understanding now within her on how this woman has been feeling all this time, why she was acting the way she has.

"You have made a great improvement in your life Miss Destruction, and please, should you feel ill or need someone to talk to, or just sit with, don't hesitate in calling me." She would flash another smile, trying to help the woman calm down, to feel comfortable now that somebody knew about her story.


Awesome table by Briena <3