
Keep In Touch


01-01-2014, 01:05 AM

She nodded as the youngster clarified her previous statement, smiling broadly as she took in the sweet reaction. What she said next brought a soft giggle to the dark lips of the femme, dipping down her delicate cranium to nuzzle at the cheek of the little girl. "Fear not, my sweet, he makes me very happy, and always will." She murmured, silver pools glimmering with mirth. Then came the topic of Song's having taken the throne from Jupiter, and the pup had quite a surprising amount of opinions on the matter, despite her youth. A soft smile still played at her features as ethereal tones were let forth to assure the child. "She will, for she has me to offer guidance if need be." She replied, beating her thick silky banner upon the powdery terra as she let the joy of the moment fill her.

She looked down to the pup, smiling all the same as she spoke. "And what of you, my sweet, surely you must be breaking all the boys' hearts out there in Valhalla." She spoke with a soft giggle, enjoying her time with this girl. Her front legs were held in a manner that could hold the youngster, should she decide to abandon the cold air for the warmth provided by a large frame, that of the alabaster ex princess. She would not mind that, she adored spending time with the child, it could also prepare her for the things life would bring to her. Her consuming liquid mercury gaze was soft as she looked upon the sweet features of Odette, those mismatched eyes of hers would always be endearing to the she wolf, and she knew she would love the girl no matter what, because she had taken her in and had cared for her until she found her aunt.