
Keep In Touch


01-01-2014, 01:26 PM

The youngster could not take the strange cold that had fallen over the land, and soon trotted over to sit in the hollow space between the dame's front legs. Her tiny body wrapped up within her own made the alabaster giantess want to curl up around her and take care of her forever. It was a strange urge, but she welcomed it, it meant she would not be a hopeless mother, should she have the ability to conceive. It had been difficult for her mother, her side of the family usually only having one pup at a time, but her father's side usually had litters of six or so. So it was quite possible, but her parenting skills might be a little questionable. When the girl looked up with a soft chuckle, and mentioned she didn't know any boys but suspected she would be breaking hearts. The ivory femme chuckled as she met those mismatched orbs, listening to the following words of the child. She smiled, a soft curving of the lips that played upon her angular, delicate features quite nicely. "When that time comes, you shall have to come and speak with me, I have been doing it since I was a wee girl like yourself." She chuckled, remembering fondly her past, where she had boys fawning over her, and as she grew men desired her, but she remained cold as ice and polite as a royal should be. She did not wish to share her heart with anyone at that time, and soon it was too late. Then she met Magnus after a year of being here in Alacritis, and now her life had changed for the better, and most likely would never be the same. Looking down upon the sweet face of Odette, she sent a silent prayer to the gods, wishing that she would find everything in life she deserved, because this girl had been through a lot, and she needed to be happy.