
Peace or Tranquility? [open]


03-12-2013, 11:35 PM

Luce was getting... oh what was that putrid word that those with bonds used... attached? He reminded her so much of herself when she was young. Her life had been a spiraling vortex of bitterness and hatred, she knew what it was like to feel unloved and hated by everyone, everything that moved. Even as vain as selfish as she was, she never wished for such a fate to be bestowed upon anyone. Least of all a pup like he. He was so young and already so angry... she had scarcely spoken fifty words and he leeched upon her kindness like a starving wolf upon a slab of meat. She hummed, a soft, low sound, that vibrated her chest and trickled from her maw. She decided she would not let this child return to whatever abuse he was so accustomed too, but she could not return to Valhalla. She held too much of her own bitterness for the pack... but would he come back with her to Tortuga?

At his soft whine, he buried himself even deeper into her luxurious fur and she tightened her grip around him, reassuring him that she was still there, she could not ask him just yet, she needed to know he would not return, that he would come with her. She could be his source of comfort, she could be that perfect angel, if only he would come with her. She would show him there were much better places than Valhalla. That Valhalla was nothing more than a flaw. A lie disguised in beautiful speech. This pup only hardened her dislike of the pack.

"Where is your brother now? Perhaps there is something I could do to sway his mind. Make him see how unique you truly are?" Perhaps she could kill two birds with one stone. Earn his trust and gain a touch of intel on Valhalla. It would be a lovely combination, to prove that even she would be chosen over Valhalla given the chance and to earn the respect of Kaien. How delicious this afternoon had turned.
