

Mercury I


4 Years
01-01-2014, 05:14 PM

Mercury was doing a whole lot of nothing on that day, he was laying out in the now very wet dirt. The saturated substrate would cling to his dark fur, making it very obvious to how dirty he was. He knew that his mother would scold him, but in reality he had no care. Since his father had been back, the last few days had been rather odd. He had spent all of his time with the male, but now he was with his mother or one of his siblings, and because all he wished was to be with him he couldn't find anything else to do.
As he woke from his light nap he would begin to roll again in the cold dirt, his tail wagging happily. Since Bronze was back Mercury had felt so odd, like something was crawling underneath his skin. He wanted to do something, but he had not a clue what it was. While he was thinking of doing more nothing, he was suddenly distracted by another wolf. His orange purple eyes would gaze upon her form, and he was suddenly stricken. Never before had he thought of girls as pretty. His sisters were his sisters and the royal children were... well not ones he usually played with. But this girl, she seemed different and familiar all at the same time. And she was the most gorgeous wolfess he had ever seen.
He wouldn't wonder where she came from or even why she was there, all he wanted was to know her name. Was she actually there, or was his bored brain just making her up? Suddenly he became quite conscious of how he appeared. He was completely covered in dirt and mud, what in the world would she think of him? He couldn't be seen like this! Quickly he would gather himself from the ground and hide behind a tree, hoping that she hadn't caught sight of him.
