


01-01-2014, 08:46 PM
fighting starts at the **
good luck, kat! <3

Despite the fury and adrenaline that coursed relentlessly through her veins, the urge to succumb to wry amusement was strengthened as her mismatched gaze scrutinized the evident hatred he harbored towards her very being and purpose, surpassing the urge even as the pallid fur upon his spinal column prickled. She wished to rip him from the false affection Devya provided him with for his own good ? to unite their family after it had been left in tatters ? and yet he would fail to see the benefits of her force-claim in favor of focusing upon the miniscule negative; it was quite foreseeable in the eyes of the banshee. It was obvious that the sable brat?s poison was potent and that it had succeeded in its purpose of infecting her sibling?s mind with lies and weakness ? so obvious, in fact, that the wraith almost pitied her brother for being so gullible. Alas, she would not and could not feel sorry for her brother when he had turned his back on their family countless times ? especially not when he had gone so far as to slaughter their own mother under the influence of an outsider.

Attention wavered from Ares as a second form emerged from the shadows, pupils flickering to devour the pallid form of her other littermate who seemed intent upon taking to her side; perhaps Ares could learn a lesson or two from Codeine?s devotion. Something akin to mirth glittered beneath her eyes as her mismatched gaze resided upon the brute, her porcelain visage remaining vacant even as he complimented Devya ? cute was a bit of an overstatement in the eyes of the phantom prodigy. While the wraith admired Codeine?s efforts to persuade their brother with words, she knew Ares was far too close-minded and absorbed in the sable brat to appreciate his siblings? attempt to save him, and thus would not succumb to hope that he would finally see the light in this situation, instead awaiting the protest that was sure to leave his mouth at any given moment.

As anticipated, speech laden with venom began spewing from her siblings? jaws, accusatory in nature and entirely delusional. Brows noticeably furrowed upon her forehead and the banshee would make no effort to obscure the slip of emotion, the scowl only etching deeper into her facial features as her sibling continued to assault her ears with an onslaught of misinformation ? what other kinds of bullshit had Devya fed to him? ?Oh?? the babe interjected in response to her sibling?s accusation, voice raising an octave as she continued: ?Was it I who put my best interest into an outsider rather than my own sister? Was it I who ran from my family when the tables turned against them? Was it I who killed my own mother?? Rage began seeping through her pores once more, upper lip unfurling to reveal the yellowed bone of her incisors out of disgust towards her sibling. How dare he try to extract pity from her when it was he who was at fault.

?She's the only one who has understood me my whole life?? The babe froze then, the fury sluggishly dissipating from her countenance as her gaze interlocked with his own in disbelief. ?You act as if you are the only one who had to endure the hardships of mother?s failure,? she managed after a prolonged period of silence, vocals entirely monotonous now. ?I, too, know what it was like? But the difference between you and I is that I didn?t run when things started to look bleak. I knew ? know ? who suffered most from it all, Ares, and it was neither you nor I.? She hoped her words would strike home with Ares, and yet, she knew that hoping was futile ? she would undoubtedly come to blows with her sibling in a matter of seconds. ?But you, Ares? How selfish of you to seek your own condolences when we all felt the same grief. You may not belong to me where it counts, but hear me when I say that I no longer belong to you, and so I do not care if my actions cause you pain. Until you learn the importance of family, you can deal without little kisses of encouragement from Devya and learn to take hardships like a fucking man rather than a dependent little bitch.?

It was then that the brat would choose to reveal herself, announcing her presence with biting insults that, in Artemis? eyes, didn?t quite seem to match up to recent events. A smirk would begin to encompass her features in total contrast to what she proposed Devya expected, a wry chuckle slipping through her velveteen lips as she mused over the wench?s words. ?We?re so ?pathetic? that we managed to best both you and your father. Although tempting, her internal thoughts would not surface for the sake of attempting to quiet the sable brat who strode so confidently towards the crowd, as if she had something to be proud of. ?Such pretty eyes, Devya,? the wraith began, tones entirely indifferent although the meaning lingering behind it was far from indifferent. ?It would be such a shame to see you lose them.? ?Speak against my mother once more and you shall.

**With the verbal argument subsiding as far as the wraith was concerned, she allowed her attention to divert back to her sibling as he announced a battle for his freedom from the chains that recently bound him to her, taking it upon herself to finalize her defenses as she waited for the actual combat to commence. Skull would lower over her breast, shoulders rolling forward and neck scrunching to encumber the front and sides of her neck in protective rolls of excess flesh while her hackles rose to protect the nape of her neck. Limbs would find themselves spaced equidistant apart to support her weight evenly among them, each appendage bending slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity while her toes splayed and her nails bit lightly into the soil for traction. Elongated tail would streamline with the remainder of her spinal column to act as a rudder should the situation warrant it, triangular ears pressing flatly against the contours of her skull while her abdomen tensed and her eyes narrowed to thin but visible slits. Finally, jaws would unhinge and lips would fully unfurl to reveal gluttonous incisors that urged for use, chin tucking protectively against the curvature of her neck as her pupils focused in on Ares? chest cavity in hopes that she would be able to detect any muscle contractions that would serve as telltale signs of impending movement. She was ready ? or as ready as she could only hope to be.

Ares would initiate combat as he sprinted towards her, aligning his left half with her own left half as he did so, but the banshee would not take it without counteraction. Immediately as her sibling took off in an attempt to close the distance between them, the wraith would attempt to do the same so as to meet him halfway; however, she would first sidestep to her own left before bursting forward in an attempt to bring her dropped and jutting left shoulder blade to the interior of his own left shoulder, hoping to position her left shoulder blade at the bottom portion of the natural groove between Ares? left shoulder and left-sided chest so that she may attempt to thrust it there. The intention behind the attempted shoulder-attack was simple: she wished to use his momentum and her own against him so that the attempted thrust may dislocate his left shoulder. Her counterattack against his own shoulder-thrust would definitely come with repercussions should it succeed, and yet the babe felt prepared to take any injuries she may obtain from it [COUNTERATTACK, PENDING DAMAGE].

The phantom would feel pressure at her left ankle as her brother succeeded in hooking his right forelimb around it, and yet, as he had made no attempt to rip her limb out from underneath her, her balance would remain uncompromised. In order to prevent such a possibility from occurring, the wraith would attempt to lift her left forepaw from the safety of the earth as her weight shifted between her three grounded limbs in order to maintain her balance, hoping that she would manage to free herself from his grasp with the attempted lift. Narrowed gaze would find her brother?s jaws as they snaked around the left side of her skull [confirmed by kat that ares was reaching around the left of her head], extending rapidly towards the nape of her neck in hopes of snatching it. Artemis? own unhinged jaws would take the opportunity presented to them (while he reached) to turn to the left (Artemis? left), hopefully angled in towards the center portion of Ares? left-sided neck where she would attempt to clamp down with gluttonous incisors and molars, intending to penetrate far beyond her brother?s flesh in hopes of severing the veins and tendons located there. Meanwhile, pain would shoot through the nape of her neck as her sibling succeeded in grasping the left side of her scruff, teeth piercing the excess flesh and fat to approximately a half of an inch deep so that the wounds would bleed mildly.




move one of two

ATTACK attempt to return ares' charge, hoping to position her left shoulder to the interior of his left shoulder (in the natural groove created between ares' left shoulder and left-sided chest), intending to use his momentum and her own against him to dislocate his left shoulder. attempt to angle her jaws in towards the center of ares' left-sided neck as he reaches around the left side of her head to grab her scruff, hoping to sever the veins/tendons located there.

DEFENSE skull lowered, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised, limbs spread equidistant apart, weight distributed evenly, knees bent to lower center of gravity, toes splayed, nails biting into soil, tail even with spine, ears pinned, abdomen tensed, eyes narrowed, jaws gaping, teeth exposed. distributing her weight among her grounded limbs as she lifts her left forepaw in hopes of shaking ares' grip.

INJURIES pending damage from ares' shoulder-shove as it would depend on the success of artemis' counterattack where it would land and the severity of the injury. half-inch deep puncture wounds to the left side of her scruff.