The gutsy preacher paused
Scald funeral
Yesterday, 01:15 AM
Unlike her siblings, Siduri was often sober. It worked out and was kind of like 'taking turns.' Look at them being a unified front or whatever. She didn't look poorly on any of her family that drank to excess, especially today. Sid, however, was sober. She wanted to feel this loss while she could. Now that her brain was cooperating with her, the pastel marked fae wanted to be what her family needed; a sober individual for those who might need a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear. Later, when it was just her in the darkness of the night... then she would let go.
Siduri sat near Deluge as her sister, heavily intoxicated, stared at the raft that held their brothers remains. The alcohol reeked and the mix of flowery scent made her nauseous, but she'd keep it together. Once again she was glad that at least one worm had been brought low and that she had been the one to do it. For the rest of her life, she'd chuck earthworms into the sea to suffer long, slow deaths. They deserved it. Her brother had not.