



01-02-2014, 01:34 PM

He would watch them come one by one, each woman giving him their own greeting. A smirk would pull at the corners of ebony lips as his dear ely and chill created a jealous tension between them. He could already feel a battle between the two coming in the near future. It was not surprising when the prisoners did not give him a warm greeting, he had expected them to be distant for a decent amount of time. Though, he would always try to sway their opinions, whither it be through affection, or protection. When the unknown male came into view and not only publicly insulted him, but his women, he would not move a single muscle. He would inhale deeply, filling his lungs with the males scent so that he would always remember it. Exhaling it with a deep chuckle he would part his jaws, tongue rolling within a cage of fangs. "Detounge him." He would demand, ghostly pale blue gaze never leaving the male as his own tongue rolled effortlessly across his lips. He did not bother to look at his women to see if they would follow his orders because he expected nothing less of them. Surely they were twisted enough to harm a disrespectful mutt like this without much persuasion, and if they did not he would punish them to ensure that his orders would not go ignored again.

Thoughts of mass destruction were brewing within the mans mind, and soon, he would peruse them. Lips creased into a wicked smirk as a few seconds rolled by after his fist demands. What else could he do to this male? Should he make him his own, or maim him and set him free? He smelt like sex and struggle, and seemed like he needed some reins on him. Plus he could always use another accomplice. "Remove the tail as well, he will not be needing it. Rip into him as you all desire- leave what defies him as a man to me." He would request shortly after his first demand. Effortlessly he would relax back onto his haunches and wait for the blood bath to begin.

OOC: sosososososo sorry for the wait and shortness guys, i'm trying to hop back into this after being scarce for a while <3

NOTE: All pp has been approved by dragon, including the maims and attacks. Just don't ruff him up too bad xD Each lady can do a one round attack deal, where each one attempts their attack, then Dragon can have the damage added accordingly in her post after all the ladies have posted c: