
Peace or Tranquility? [open]


03-13-2013, 01:23 AM
He nodded briskly and wiggled out from under her, he couldn't contain his excitement! A new home that would adore him, a new family that seemed to bless the ground he walked upon, it was all he could ever hope for and more. "Lead the way Luce." He said happily, his tail wagging with such fervor that the tip kissed his hips. For once in his life he was truly happy. He would get the respect he needed so desperately, the attention he wanted more than anything, and the rank that he deserved all along. He ran into the forest happily, stopping only to wait for his new companion. He was a new wolf entirely. Reborn as the playful pup he should have been all along. His new home was waiting for him. His new life. Cairo was a distant memory, his promise long forgotten. Preston? He didn't need him. He didn't need any of them. He was a traitor as far as he was concerned. He had everything he needed in Luce, and soon he would have it in spades with Kain

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