
The Last Enemy Flatlines


01-02-2014, 12:45 PM
Sleep, sometimes it came easy and sometimes it didn't come at all. On the nights were there were dreams they were often nightmares of the bloody past and a wolf that Isabella was forced to kill. The first time she had the nightmare she ran like a demon was after her but that was a year ago in the land where she found a pack. Now she had better control of her emotions and this time when the nightmare came the she wolf simply went out for a walk. She didn't care where she walked, after taking a small den in the mountains she walked in the lands around them.

Walking in the moonlight her fiery pelt didn't give off much light but her icy eyes looked more radiant that ever. As she walked her ears moved this way and that, a habit of hers when she was in deep thought. She did not know why the dream kept coming back, she wanted it to go away and stay away but she didn't know how to make it leave her mind.

With a deep sigh she moved on but realized as she took a breath ;in the caught the scent of others, two others in fact. Even though she wasn't a fan of talking with others she figured that at least she could talk to take the nightmare off her mind. She move to the others cautiously, her steps were slow and silent as she could make them as she apposed the wolves, both clear in the moonlight due to their white pelts. Standing at a comfortable distance to them yet close enough to be heard she spoke. "Greetings." Her voice greeted them like a cold wind.