
Just Shut Your Eyes


01-02-2014, 01:14 PM

Brilliant rays of light would shine behind horizon of trees, the sun was finding its end in the day as Impra's cherry red eyes would flutter open. She would find herself out and about during the night, when the light would not affect her eyes quite so harshly. It was easier for her to hunt, it was more comfortable, and she looked so much more spectacular in the moon light. The sun seemed to bleach her out too much, but the moon would always lend its soft caress upon her gentle curves. She would pull herself from the ground, her tiara making its way to her full height. She towered over most of her Armada siblings, even her father could not boast her height.
Shaking the last of the dirty snow from her coat she would begin to groom herself. Her naps would always result in a session of cleaning afterwards now that the spring was upon them. The earth was becoming saturated with the melting of the snow, it was infuriating to have to spend so much time getting it off. She preferred the purity that the cold and the snow brought. Shaking her head she would finish, her gaze finding its way into the now darkness. The slightest of growls would resonate in her stomach, it seemed it was about time to find one of her father's hunters to get her a meal.

Impra Armada

Royalty in the Flesh