
血液中のコード化された(Coded In Blood)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-02-2014, 01:53 PM
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

Don't underestimate what you do not understand

The heathen he called approached in due time. Good. Sin would not be kept waiting, and to keep him waiting would result in unwanted consequences, no matter who it was. Facing the oncomer, a look of amusement crossed his features as he noted the attempt at uncare and boredom on the face of his adversary. However, it amused the male simply because if he did not care...then he would not have come. At the words of the male, Sin could do nothing but laugh in cold amusement. What a simple fool...for it was not Sin who sought the presence of others, he demanded it. And to ignore him would be a very dire mistake on ones part.

"Don't flatter yourself." A light scoff from slightly parted jaws further indicated his amusement. Elongated tail flickering behind slender hocks;sharpened claws leaving small fractures in the earth as they coiled over the terrain. Amber gaze fell over the heathen, and today would be the day he would discover who the fool was that had helped his pathetic excuse for a sister.

You should be flattered I'm wasting my time with your life...

I witnessed you're little act of kindness towards my pathetic sister recently...who is the one that claims to be the devil? And yet goes to aid a damsel in distress? I do not associate with the weak...what's your name, cretin?" his words spoken in an amused tone, and no more. He would eventually bring the subject forth of an alliance in the future, however, it was now upon the shoulders of the beast before him to decide in which direction his fate would go...

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves

[Sin Armada]