
Off To Wonderland [Neo]


03-13-2013, 12:48 AM

This land was familiar to the dame, but unfamiliar to her companion. Tortuga was not the safest of packs but they kept to themselves and let well enough alone. belittlement and insult were beneath them. They did not indulge in such things. They were a lose pack and Neo would be given his freedoms here. He would not be hunted by siblings or elders, here he could be his own wolf, and Luce would always be there when he needed well... anything. She would give him all the love and affection he had never received, she would drown him in her until she became the singular most important thing in the young pups eyes.

They breeched the border of Tortuga and she smiled down at the pup, lowering her crown to nuzzle him gently, her tail laxadaisically trailing behind her. Her lips pulled up into a smile. Her bright eyes surveyed Tortuga's lands, they were quite different from Valhalla's.

"Welcome home my love." She murmured softly too him, lifting her head once more, to survey the land spread before her. It had been a decently long journey, a hard days walk, a night of rest and a good portion of this day had been spent traveling. She would seek out Kaien come morning, she wanted Neo to feel comfortable in his own home, she wanted to show him her den, his new den. He was hers.

"Would you like to see our den? I will show you so many things Neo, I will teach you anything you wish to learn, including how to battle an enemy with not but your words... anything you wish for, you need only ask." Luce murmured to him, her gait continuing as they dove into the heart of Luce's home.
