
Empty Room


01-03-2014, 01:23 AM

The anxious whine wasn't all that surprising to Destruction. He was lonely, and she was well aware that she was within her heat cycle. The female would continue to approach, a soft chuckle leaving her throat. To most who would find Bane's words and actions less than pleasing the female felt a sense of familiarity with them. As she approached she made sure to steer clear of the trap that Bane mentioned, coming up beside the elder and laying down so close to him that their sides were touching. The dark woman figured he must be cold, what with his age making his fur thin perhaps a bit.

"Still the same Bane I see. Not even loneliness could change you it seems." The woman would continue to smile, giving Bane a gentle nudge on the cheek with her muzzle. "But you know that you and I can not do anything, despite our urges. Tahlia would never forgive us. You have a good family, Bane. A wonderful family... and I can not allow myself to be the one that puts a problem in their life when it is my job to protect them now." The female's words weren't angry, though they held a serious tone when talking with her ex-mate.

"I heard the details of your banishment... and... I wanted to say I'm sorry, Bane." The female looked down to the snow. "I'm sorry I didn't let you near Dillinger while he was alive. I can't help but feel that somehow what happened was because of that... deep down." The female looked back to Bane now. "Your family is dong well though. The younger pups and the older one.. and Tahlia too of course." Destruction would wait for Bane to speak now, keeping close to him.

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