
The Face Of A Stranger Could Become A Friend


01-03-2014, 08:32 PM

Dark paws would lead the woman back to the Rio Grande, the place where Bane had made his home. The woman felt quite sorry for the elder, especially when she last talked to him. The topics hadn't started out all that light, and she was wondering if she should go back. The woman's crimson ringed eyes were full of thought as she walked along the now completely thawed river. No, the snow that had blanked the land near the river was all gone, eaten away by the warmth of the sun.

Destruction would come to the water, lowering her head so that the female could lap up the cool water. The water felt good as it slid down her throat and into her stomach, slacking the thirst that had come from her travels this morning. Des would raise her head again as she finished, scenting the air. She was still a ways from Bane's den... so perhaps she would find something fresh to cheer the brute up.

The dark woman would pause as she scented the air. A few foreign scents came to her on the breeze, causing the black furred beast to furrow her brow. She was just hoping that these wolves, whomever they were, would leave Bane well alone. He was in no state to be fighting anymore. Destruction would stand there a moment, considering what her options were. She could find out about the wolves that were lurking here. Partly to ease her own curiosity and to make sure that Bane wouldn't be in any danger here. With a bit of a frown the female would raise her head, giving a short howl. Maybe if she was lucky one of them would come to her.
