


01-03-2014, 06:47 PM

So this was where the little whelp had gone, eh? Seemed quite nice, though the giantess would prefer for the place to have a bit more snow, or at least be warmer. Padding onto the shore, the rosy femme shook out her lustrous coat of silvery fur and felt the squelching of the wet sand in between her toes. A huff of disdain left her regal maw, but she did not make any other allusion to her vague dislike for the warm, wet dirt underfoot. Ruby orbs would scan the surroundings, curious to see where she had followed the outcast youngster to. So far, she was not happy. Where was the cold? The blizzards? She was built for the freezing temperatures, and while she had no problem with this spring weather, she hoped there would be somewhere snowy to go to.
Long banner swept across tall heels as she slowly moved over the long beach, the occasional gooey-geyser spraying warm water at her in warning as she threatened to trample the buried oysters with her graceful bulk. Tall audits would flick as she listened to the rustling brush far ahead. What could be hiding in this realm? Hopefully nothing that could harm her, even though she was one of the larger wolves out there in the world. Her pale coat glimmered in the moonlight that shone down from above the water. It was nearly full, and she could see almost as well as she could in the daylight. Shadows danced in the corners of her vision, but she did not fear the darkness, she feared not even death itself.

As she came closer to the surrounding treeline, the dame took a few steps, turning to face the ocean from which she had come. Somewhere in the distance, home waited for her to return. A soft whisper would escape her orchid lips, a farewell to all she had once known. "Goodbye mother." She murmured, not a muscle moving as she gazed out upon the ocean, silvered by the light of the moon, letting the soft breeze of the coast brush over her thick pelt.

image by Luisiana