
Meet your Kingdom



01-03-2014, 06:55 PM

She would look up to her mother as she explained what a family was, that's what her siblings and parents made up, all them were a family. She would also explain what a Queen was once they were older, which she didn't mind for. She would remain standing behind her mother's limb, head turning left and right to take in the sounds around her. Nizhoni would ask the new male what was wrong with his fur, an that it looked weird, Elias objecting.

Enola could hear father coming out of the den and go over to her sibling to see if he was okay, but another unfamiliar voice would speak up, the scent strange but still had a bit like each of her family members. Just moments later another sibling would come out, Silveris, muttering something about being adopted. The blind pup wasn't sure what this meant, but with people here she didn't know the girl would wait to ask her mother. Daedalus making his way over, apologizing for pouncing on someone, giving his name and asking who they were. But who was he talking to? Blind eyes would try to look around. Seconds later Silveris would speak up...

Too much was going on for the girl to keep up, and she was tempted to just turn and go back into the den where it was nice and quiet. Something would keep her from doing so though, or more like someone. She could feel the presence of somebody moving in close, a soft voice directed towards her. The boy who had approached them would greet her then tell his name even though mother already did, Faolan Aradcor. Enola would move a bit more behind her mother's foreleg shyly, her head low. "Fa... o... lan..." She said softly, just barely over a whisper.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3