
my kingdom come [DM]


01-03-2014, 07:28 PM

The fight before her gave her minutes to reflect, as she pondered the outcome. Seraphim could hold his own. She knew that, but she worried for the ivory brute that had been so kind to her. So good. She reflected on when they first met. The kindness of his verdant eyes as she stared into him, as he asked her about herself, the kindness of his words then and the promise to speak again. Returning to her home, confused about her emotions, her heart light she had gotten back to work, doing her duty. Tending to mothers, and herself, she would mate with the king producing a litter for him as well. When the siege came, she was wary. She had become wary of the kings motives, as it seemed to her, it was needless. He had the girl. Why take the kingdom to war over a girl?

When a baritone call had rang through land, the day the mass of the pack had left to fight she had moved towards it, pregnancy slowing her trip until she found herself face to face with the man she had met before. He hadn?t shunned her for her pregnancy to the king, rather had asked her to come with him to Tortuga. She knew that she couldn?t leave. She had plead her fealty to the king and no one just walked away from him. However, the king of Glaciem wasn?t he villain here, she had realized that now. She had made the decision and she would live with it. When she had went to Valhalla to plead with their healer for an herb that she felt would give her pups a fighting chance, she had never intended to go into labor. Never in a million years did she plan to be on the doorstep to Valhalla when the kings pups would be borne, and never had she hoped to see Seraphim in her moment of weakness, in the death of her two pups and the live birth of the last.

She watched the fight she was horrified to realize what was happening, even though she could do nothing to stop it. From where she stood she could hear an audible crunch, and her heart stopped beating in her chest. No. No. No?. This wasn?t happening. She watched as the male crumpled to the ground, and as one of the many white wolves in the clearing moved, towards the queen that had killed her knight. She watched, horrified. She physically couldn?t move. The kind hearted man who had made her feel special, who had made her feel as if she was worth more than what she viewed herself to be was dead.

The freezing effect of panic lasted only moments, and she rushed to her paws, rushing to Seraphim?s side, opposite the pair of white wolves. Nosing his fur, she knew in heart the truth of the matter. There was nothing she could do for him now. There was no way she could save him, the way he had saved her. She had failed him. She was oblivious to all others in the clearing, the growing mass that had cluttered the area to watch the brave wolf?s downfall. Backing a step away from the white beast she stared numbly at him, not feeling much of anything. She wouldn?t move from that spot, her head hanging low, near him her mind reflecting on the few shared memories she had with him, as grief worked its way through her. A broken whisper would leave her,

"I'm so sorry Seraphim..."

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