


01-03-2014, 07:54 PM

She could smell the youngster she had followed, the child was within the borders of this Kingdom. This little one was smart, seeking a home to protect her. She had no doubt been outcast for having a pale coat, maybe even suffering from albinism much like the wintry woman herself. What truly attracted the giantess was the amount of snow still littering the ground, even though spring had only just begun. Standing near the borders to this land, cranium would lift to let out a loud, resounding howl. A call to the alpha, and to the half sibling harboured in this land. Haunches would smoothly lower to rest her gargantuan frame upon the terra, despite the threat of mud seeping into her silvery white coat. At this time, she did not care what happened to her, but she wanted to reclaim the youngster of her blood and take her back home, or at least somewhere to care for her. She could speak to the alpha, explain what was happening and then hopefully be on her merry way. If worst came to worst, she could simply follow the lead of the youngster, she had no objections to such an event. As long as she could be there to protect the youngster, it was no big deal. Especially if she could be up here, where it was nice and cool, the preferable temperature for the woman.
Taking in the land, the pale femme was quite impressed. There weren't too many trees overtaking the land, and yet there were enough to satisfy a need for shade as the weather became warmer. The place was not barren, the scents of prey were comfortably noticed by the giantess. Songbirds chirped a quiet melody, and the morning sun caressed the world perfectly in a golden light. Altogether, it improved her opinion of the leader of this pack, whoever that may be. Anyone who chose to live in such a magnificent place must be quite the alpha, someone she would be content to have ruling her. Though preferably, she would rather remain under the rule of herself, free to roam wherever her heart might desire. With a sigh, she was calm, awaiting whatever fate might be wanting to throw at her.

image by Luisiana