
Off To Wonderland [Neo]


03-13-2013, 04:33 AM

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She rolled with him, careful not to crush him beneath her weight. When finally they rolled to a halt his and her laughter slowly died and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, nuzzling her affectionately. Luce dropped her crown, cradling him to her gently to her. He was so sweetly curled into her, such a gentle pup, she did not know how anyone could touch a hair upon his head. Why had he been treated so poorly when just a bit of love was all he truly needed.

He bounded away from her suddenly and she rolled onto her belly, curious if he would begin the chase again, he tossed his head back and sang to the heavens, but not just a howl of triumph or victory, no, he sang of only his love for her. Her ice colored eyes widened almost imperceptably at the declaration. No one had ever spoken as such to her, ironic that it would be the pup she had first intended on deceiving. of course... now... everything had changed, she was for all intents and purposes his family and without further ado, she smiled brightly at him, tail flickering out behind her.

"Je t'aime aussi, N?o..." The foreign language rolled from her tongue like silk as she leaned forward to touch his neck with the tip of her snout. "That means I love you too, in French." She purred against his skin. [COLOR=black]
