
my kingdom come [DM]


01-03-2014, 07:59 PM

Battle would rage and she was helpless, able only to watch the white witch threaten her fathers life. Jaws met flesh, blood spilled, bones cracked. Audits had flattened against her skull, toes digging into the earth in an attempt to keep her in place. And it was all over in a matter of minutes, though it felt like eternity. The ivory pair fell, jaws locked onto one another. Bodies hit the earth with a muted thud. The dark girl shifted, pressing into Ares side. And then it happened.

A strangled gasp slipped from inky lips. The pale bitch seized her fathers throat, blood immediately cascaded free, staining his ivory pelt. The moment he was released she would rush forward, tears blurring her vision. Frantically she searched her fathers gaze, finding only love in his fading verdant pools. "Father." Hoarse whispers would find their way to his ears. She fell beside him, pressing herself against his side, blood matting her dark pelt.

Soft choking would subside, her fathers form fall deathly still, his eyes sliding closed. She strangled her cry, choking it down, clenching her eyes shut. She would not allow them to see her like. She needed to be strong. Long limbs would push the girl upward, blood slowly dripping off her bodice. Her gaze first sought out Ares, but he was not where she had left him. Eyes darted quickly, growing frantic at his sudden absence.

Cries would fill her ears, turning her attention to Morphine. Horror widened her eyes as blood cascaded from Ares jaws that where wrapped around his mothers throat. Artemis collided with him, forcing the brute to release his now fallen mother. For a moment she was a paralyzed, unable to move. First she witnessed her fathers death, and now she witnessed the death of another by the jaws of the one she cared so deeply for. What happening?

Limbs regained their function, propelling her forward, strides quickly closing the distance between herself and Ares. With minute force she would push into his side, hoping to knock him back a step, it was the one time that she would put herself between Ares and his weakened sister. Blue and green orbs would search his face, waiting for the realization to hit him. He had just murdered his mother. Blood stained coats mingled, distressed flared in her chest. "Ares."

It was a soft plea, begging him to come back to her. There was no undoing this. Briefly she would cast a glance over her shoulder, eyes hardening as they swept over the fallen bitch and her daughter. There was now only one left. Artemis. One day she would pay for the havoc she caused.
