
Avoid the process of the food Chain


03-13-2013, 04:39 AM

It was great to see my love once more, but by the looks of things she still was struggleing with that deamon that rested in her mind. Ulrike stood there and looked at Fetisha. He was happy to see her, and that she was alright. Nothing much was said from her part. Eventhough she was not holding a conversation with him, she was defently haveing a conversation though. Her body language stated that it was not a pleasant one either. He could not even begin to imagine what was going on inside her head. Ulrike walked closer to Fetisha and nuzzled her. He did miss her, but for some reason he knew that she will not be joing Tortuga.

Ulrike's ears perked up as she mentioned Xenios,So Fetisha was thinking of there daughter. That was a great sign, it still indicated that she is thinking of Xenios. Ulrike smiled at her and begun to speak."She is doing great, almost hit her full height. I had just started her training a few days ago. She dose miss you though, and would like to see you. He said. Ulrike could not help but think of Xenios also. She was growing up to become a strong wolf, and there was no doubt in it that she would grow up to acomplish many things.

"Fetisha, i know she would like to see you again. If you don't want to you don't have to, but it would mean alot to her." He said as he stood there ankle deep in swamp. This area did suit her quite, it screamed fetisha, and he could see her surviving in this swamp. An area that no others dare to enter and stay. Ulrike even wondered as to why he entered this land in the first place, but he some how knew that fetisha or something would appere to him in his journy through out the swamps.
