
Who I Will Be


01-03-2014, 09:25 PM

She smiled as the man accepted her offer of food, standing to her full immense height and shaking out her thick pelt. Wavy silver tresses fell softly back into place along her curvy frame, rosy flesh showing through the colourless fur. Soft ruby optics fixed on the face of her companion as he spoke again, laboriously shoving himself to his feet and telling the wintry giantess that he would help. She shook her head a few times, short pivotings of her cranium adamantly disagreeing with him. "You sit your ass down and stay there, all I'm doing is grabbing a few rabbits to share." She chuckled, though her eyes told him she was serious. She would not test the tired man, or let his macho instincts force him to try and prove his strength. One immense paw would rear off the ground, scattered bite and claw wounds over her forelimb flashing in the light as she placed it on the male's broad shoulder and lightly pressing him back down. "You're tired, which means that you should rest while I snatch a few snacks." She told him with a soft smile, pink lips curving upwards to reveal her massive fangs as she assured him. Long tail would wag a few times to remind the burly male she meant no harm to him in the statement, only that she would rather he rested while she hunted.

image by Luisiana