
You need a torch to light a flame[JOINING]



01-03-2014, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2014, 09:30 PM by Chrysanthe.)
She had been an alpha? The woman was intruiged - what had happened to this female during her travels? Looking at her, she seemed strong - but younger than Chrysanthe herself. In those moments Vahva struck the woman as not only a survivor, but a lupine capable of perservering. Relentlessness was something that the alpha definitely appreciated in another, especially with many of Valhalla's occupants being rather laid back. "They're just past the jungle, it's a good sized clearing - just big enough to fit all of Valhalla when it has to." The alpha had taken to the island quickly, she enjoyed seeing things that she hadn't many times before, although she had scoped the place enough to know it was safe, there were still a few hidden treasures even for her. "You were an alpha Vahva? What sort of pack did you run?" She was curious, this lupine had lead a pack of her own and given it up to come here. "Do you have any family here?" There wasn't any member at the moment that struck her as similar to Vahva, but there was something about her scent that was somewhat... familiar? Either way she had no way of quite pinning what it was that struck her as such.

"I will place you as an epsilon for now then, but feel free to help hunt or to train with the other soldiers. The healers could use your help as well - they're getting used to the new flora on the island." They were all getting settled into their new home - being a jack of all trades, Vahva had come at a perfect time. "And come to me if you would like a rank." She was always welcome to call for her alpha. As the two walked through the jungle, their surroundings would quickly shift from the sunny beach to tall vine covered trees that stretched high enough and were thick enough to block out much of the sun's light. The animals that lived here were a bit noisy, monkeys could be heard overhead, as well as the occasional bird and snort of a pig. It was all so different from the plains - it was part of the reason that Chrysanthe had fallen for this island so immediately. She always had an infatuation with what was exotic to her.