
The time has come!(Xenios)


03-13-2013, 05:04 AM

Ulrike looked up to see his daughter walking towards him. She was late but he did not scold her this time about it, he understood the climb of the mountain was difficult. Ulrike walked up to his daughter and nuzzled her on to the platform. Once she was on the plat form he looked at her once more before he begun to speak."Good morning Xenios, To day we will be working on balance and agility. So keep a close eye as to how i hold my self and move, because i will only demonstrate it one time. You understand." He said as he stood next to Xenios, his black eyes focused upon his daughter as he begun to show her a stance that will let her use her body for both power and balance. "Now first you need to take you're back right leg and slide it backward a few inches like so." He said as he moved his back leg. "Ok then take your left uper leg and slide it foreword like so" He said as he demonstrated it.

Ulrike looked at her and nodded. "Ok now lower your head, not to far down, or to high up. If it is to low you can misjudge the distance of the object and loose balance. If your head is to high the same thing happens. With that you will want to use your tail as a instrument for balance, because that is what your tail is there for." He said as his body was in the correct stance. He stood up and looked at his daughter, He walked around her and adjusted her stance a little bit to make sure that she was in the right stance. "Ok the stance is good, now i am going to climb up the mountain and you stay here. I will start a rock slide, you must dodge each rock that comes your way. Keep your balance, keep your eyes focused, and most of all, don't loose your footing. if you do happen to fall, i will catch you."

Ulrike made his way up the mountain and soon he stood directly in front of his daughter about three feet away from here. Ulrike took his paw and slammed it on the mountain. Rocks of all sizes begun to fall down towards his daughter. Ulrike stood there and watched as his daughter attempted to dodge the rocks that rolled down in her direction. He was ready to take off in a sprint just encase she loose her footing and begins to fall down the mountain.
