
final goodbye


01-03-2014, 10:26 PM
Their family was supposed to be something great - and yet Codiene would question it. With every thought, each step he would question it. For he had seen no greatness yet, only another scattered family, another spread out group of wolves that barely knew each other in the long run. They weren't anything to each other - and yet Codeine's loyalty would not be dettered. Speaking with Artemis had shown him only one thing - that their family had split up instead of forming the unit that they were supposed to be. He hated Devya, because she was an outsider... but Seraphim? He couldn't hate his father without knowing that he had actually abandoned them, without hearing from his own mouth that he didn't give a damn about them.

It wasn't easy to track him down, but when he finally did, it was beneath the stars. Codeine would stare at the man, wondering whether the old lupine had picked up on his scent or whether he was as at peace and oblivious as he seemed to be in this moment. "Where have you been old man?" He would ask, and although his tone was less than happy to see the other, his lips would lift in a smirk. "Artemis and Morphine are ready to take your fucking head. What did you do to them?" He would ask, getting straight to the point - he wasn't one to beat around the bush. Yet he wouldn't demand it, would approach the other brute quietly before plopping down beside him.

He had no respect for anyone but his mother - but this man had sired him. He appreciated him for at least that much.