
Dark Abyss



01-04-2014, 12:44 AM

It would seem that while the two siblings were thinking of what to do, someone would approach them. At first Enola didn't think much of it, the rustle of a bush, just thinking it was the wind. But then the scent of someone she met before flowed into her nose, and soon enough he would speak up, saying he would be right back, his footsteps fading as he ran off. Blind eyes would turn to her brother, worry clear on her face. What if Faolan told momma or a different adult, then they would probably be even more mad!

Before she could do anything however, the male would come back, setting something down that would fill her nose with strange scents. The girl would remain standing there unsure of what to do as the male moved in close, dribbling something over her shoulders, water. Head would turn towards him, nose gathering a cool, fresh scent coming from him, he smelled nice. Seconds later she would feel coolness be spread over her shoulders where the screech had hurt her, not hurting as much, which made a small smile spread over her lips.

When it came to Faolan telling her to eat something though, she would be hesitant, even when he nudged her cheek gently. He told her that the plant would keep germs away and help her heal on the inside, but even if she wanted to believe him, Enola found herself looking to her sibling. "Momma said we can trust Faolan..." She spoke softly, but probably more so to make herself believe it.

With a deep breath the girl would lean down and nose her way towards the herb, off by just a few inches, but once she had it in her jaws she would carefully chew it up before swallowing. No more than a few seconds later she would make a face as the strange teasing plant, giving a small shake of her head. "It doesn't taste good..." She would whine softly, head lifting to look towards Faolan.


Awesome table by Eldarwen <3